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Oxygen Comfort For Asthma

Oxygen Comfort For Asthma

350+ One-Sec Inhalations | 12L Concentrated Oxygen

This essential aid delivers concentrated oxygen, which promptly alleviates the symptoms during asthma attacks and helps to alleviate respiratory distress. Consistent usage of this product may lead to enhanced breathing and more effective management of asthma symptoms.
  • 100% Natural
  • No Side Effects
  • Zero Toxins
  • Rust Free
  • Medically Certified
  • Odorless
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Regular price Rs. 599.00
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Research Paper

When to Use?

AQI14 OXY MAX offers a multifaceted approach to asthma management, combining
immediate relief during attacks, proactive pre-activity support, and consistent respiratory
maintenance for individuals seeking effective solutions to enhance their quality of life.

Emergency Relief During Asthma Attacks

AQI14 OXY MAX serves as a rapid-response solution during asthma attacks, providing swift relief and aiding in the restoration of normal respiratory function.

Preventive Measure Before Physical Activities

Use AQI14 OXY MAX proactively before engaging in physical activities to preemptively address potential triggers, helping to minimize the risk of respiratory distress.

Effective Support for Respiratory Maintenance

Regular use of AQI14 OXY MAX contributes to consistent respiratory maintenance, offering ongoing support for asthma management beyond acute episodes.

Formulated for Asthma Management

The formulation of AQI14 OXY MAX is specifically designed to address the unique needs of asthma survivors, ensuring targeted and effective respiratory support.

Comprehensive Respiratory Care

Whether used reactively during an attack or proactively as part of a routine, AQI14 OXY MAX provides a comprehensive approach to respiratory care for individuals navigating the challenges of asthma.

Enhanced Quality of Life

By incorporating AQI14 OXY MAX into a holistic asthma management plan, individuals can experience an improved quality of life with better control over their respiratory health.

Controlled Usage

The quantity of supplemental oxygen(Portable or Traditional) required during an asthma attack is contingent upon the severity of the episode.

How to Use?

How useful for asthma

Asthma affects over 339 million people globally and causes airway inflammation and constriction. Managing symptoms and maintaining respiratory function is vital for those with asthma. AQI14 OXY MAX is a crucial companion that offers specific benefits to improve the well-being of asthma sufferers.

  • Immediate Relief During Attacks: AQI14 OXY MAX provides rapid relief during asthma attacks, assisting in alleviating breathlessness and restoring normal breathing patterns.

  • Preventive Respiratory Support: Using AQI14 OXY MAX proactively before engaging in physical activities or exposure to triggers can help prevent asthma symptoms, ensuring a proactive approach to respiratory care.

  • Improved Oxygen Intake: The concentrated oxygen content in AQI14 OXY MAX aids in improving oxygen intake, promoting better oxygenation of tissues and easing the burden on the respiratory system.

  • Consistent Respiratory Maintenance: Regular use of AQI14 OXY MAX contributes to
    consistent respiratory maintenance, helping asthma survivors manage symptoms
    and improve overall lung function.

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Have Questions?


How does AQI14 OXY MAX provide immediate relief during asthma attacks?

AQI14 OXY MAX offers rapid relief by delivering concentrated oxygen, assisting in alleviating breathlessness and restoring normal breathing patterns during asthma attacks.

Does AQI14 OXY MAX have any age restrictions for use among asthma sufferers?

AQI14 OXY MAX is generally suitable for asthma sufferers, but personalized advice from healthcare professionals is recommended, especially for younger individuals.

Can AQI14 OXY MAX be used alongside other asthma medications or treatments?

It is advisable to consult with healthcare professionals before using AQI14 OXY MAX alongside other asthma medications or treatments.

Are there specific considerations for using AQI14 OXY MAX during asthma attacks in different environments, such as high-altitude areas?

AQI14 OXY MAX can be used during asthma attacks in various environments, but personalized recommendations are advisable, especially in high-altitude areas.

How does AQI14 OXY MAX contribute to a proactive approach to respiratory care for asthma sufferers?

AQI14 OXY MAX contributes to a proactive approach by providing preventive respiratory support, helping asthma sufferers manage symptoms proactively.

Are there any known side effects or contraindications associated with the use of AQI14 OXY MAX for asthma sufferers?

AQI14 OXY MAX is generally safe for use, but individuals with asthma should consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice, especially if they have pre-existing conditions.


Can AQI14 OXY MAX be used as an emergency solution during severe asthma attacks for immediate relief?

Yes, AQI14 OXY MAX can be used as an emergency solution to provide rapid relief during severe asthma attacks.

How frequently should AQI14 OXY MAX be used for optimal respiratory support in asthma survivors?

The frequency of AQI14 OXY MAX usage can vary; personalized recommendations should be sought from healthcare professionals based on individual needs.

Is AQI14 OXY MAX recommended for long-term use by asthma survivors?

AQI14 OXY MAX can be used for long-term respiratory support, but regular consultation with healthcare professionals is advised.

How quickly can AQI14 OXY MAX provide relief during an asthma attack?

AQI14 OXY MAX delivers rapid relief, assisting in alleviating breathlessness and restoring normal breathing patterns promptly during an asthma attack.

Can AQI14 OXY MAX be used during exercise or physical activities to support asthma sufferers in maintaining respiratory function?

Yes, AQI14 OXY MAX can be used during exercise to enhance oxygen intake and support better respiratory function for asthma sufferers.

In what ways does AQI14 OXY MAX enhance the quality of life for asthma survivors?

AQI14 OXY MAX empowers asthma survivors by offering targeted respiratory support, allowing for a more active and fulfilling life with improved control over respiratory health.

Is AQI14 OXY MAX suitable for consistent respiratory maintenance for asthma survivors?

Yes, regular use of AQI14 OXY MAX contributes to consistent respiratory maintenance, helping asthma survivors manage symptoms and improve overall lung function.

How does the concentrated oxygen content in AQI14 OXY MAX improve oxygen intake for asthma sufferers?

Concentrated oxygen aids in improving oxygen intake, promoting better oxygenation of tissues and easing the burden on the respiratory system for asthma sufferers.

Can oxygen be used preventively to manage asthma symptoms before engaging in physical activities or exposure to triggers?

Yes, proactive use of oxygen before activities or triggers can help prevent asthma symptoms, providing a proactive approach to respiratory care.


Can AQI14 OXY MAX be used as an emergency solution during severe asthma attacks for immediate relief?

Yes, AQI14 OXY MAX can be used as an emergency solution to provide rapid relief during severe asthma attacks.

How frequently should AQI14 OXY MAX be used for optimal respiratory support in asthma survivors?

The frequency of AQI14 OXY MAX usage can vary; personalized recommendations should be sought from healthcare professionals based on individual needs.

Is AQI14 OXY MAX recommended for long-term use by asthma survivors?

AQI14 OXY MAX can be used for long-term respiratory support, but regular consultation with healthcare professionals is advised.

How quickly can AQI14 OXY MAX provide relief during an asthma attack?

AQI14 OXY MAX delivers rapid relief, assisting in alleviating breathlessness and restoring normal breathing patterns promptly during an asthma attack.

Can AQI14 OXY MAX be used during exercise or physical activities to support asthma sufferers in maintaining respiratory function?

Yes, AQI14 OXY MAX can be used during exercise to enhance oxygen intake and support better respiratory function for asthma sufferers.

In what ways does AQI14 OXY MAX enhance the quality of life for asthma survivors?

AQI14 OXY MAX empowers asthma survivors by offering targeted respiratory support, allowing for a more active and fulfilling life with improved control over respiratory health.

Is AQI14 OXY MAX suitable for consistent respiratory maintenance for asthma survivors?

Yes, regular use of AQI14 OXY MAX contributes to consistent respiratory maintenance, helping asthma survivors manage symptoms and improve overall lung function.

How does the concentrated oxygen content in AQI14 OXY MAX improve oxygen intake for asthma sufferers?

Concentrated oxygen aids in improving oxygen intake, promoting better oxygenation of tissues and easing the burden on the respiratory system for asthma sufferers.

Can oxygen be used preventively to manage asthma symptoms before engaging in physical activities or exposure to triggers?

Yes, proactive use of oxygen before activities or triggers can help prevent asthma symptoms, providing a proactive approach to respiratory care.